Male dog names, and their meaning, for each letter of the alphabet

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New dog…looking for a name? Here are over 200 male dog names broken down by each letter of the alphabet.

Choosing a name for your male dog can be a fun and exciting process. With so many options available, deciding on the perfect name can be difficult. One way to narrow your choices is to consider names starting with each alphabet letter. Not only does this method provide structure to the selection process, but it also offers a wide variety of options to choose from.

Each letter of the alphabet has its unique set of names associated with different meanings and origins. For example, the name Ace means “one” or “unity,” while the name Bruno means “brown-haired.” Selecting a name with a specific meaning can add more significance to your dog’s name. Whether you want to showcase your dog’s personality or pay homage to a loved one, there’s a name out there that’s perfect for your furry friend.

You may also be interested in “Girl dog names for by letter“, “Sassy Girl Dog Names” or maybe “Surfer Dog Names.”

Quick reference:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Male dog names that start with A, and their meaning

AceOne who excels
ApolloGod of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine in Greek mythology
AngusOne strength, vigor
ArloFortified hill
AsherFortunate, blessed
AspenA type of tree with heart-shaped leaves
AtlasA Titan who held up the celestial spheres in Greek mythology
AugustRevered, majestic
AustinGreat, magnificent
AxelFather of peace
AxlSource of all life
AztecA member of the Nahuatl-speaking people of central Mexico
AceyUnity, one
AidenFiery one
AlvinNoble friend
AmosBurdened, carried
AngusOne strength, vigor
ApolloGod of music, poetry, prophecy, and medicine in Greek mythology
ArcherBowman, one who uses a bow and arrow
ArgusA giant with a hundred eyes in Greek mythology
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Male dog names that start with B, and their meaning

BaileySteward or public official
BanditThief or outlaw
BarkleyMeadow of birch trees
BearLarge, furry mammal
BenjiSon of the right hand
BentleyClearing covered with bent grass
BernieBrave as a bear
BillyResolute protection
BingoA game of chance
BlakeDark or fair
BlueThe color blue
BoTo live
BobbyBright fame
BodhiEnlightenment or awakening
BoltA flash of lightning
BookerBookmaker or scribe
BoscoBush or woods
BowieYellow-haired or fair-haired
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Male dog names that start with C, and their meaning

CaesarEmperor, ruler
CalvinBald, hairless
CashWealth, money
CharlieFree man
ChaseHunter, pursuer
ChesterFort, walled town
ChiefLeader, head of a group
ChipShort for “Christopher,” meaning bearer of Christ
CiscoFree, to laugh
ClydeRiver in Scotland
CocoCoconut, brown
CooperBarrel maker
CosmoOrder, harmony
CowboyA person who works on a ranch
CrosbyDweller by the cross
CullenHandsome, good-looking
CupidGod of love in Roman mythology
CyrusSun, lord
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Male dog names that start with D, and their meaning

DakotaFriend or ally
DallasFrom the valley or meadow dwelling
DashQuick and lively
DawsonSon of David
DieselPowerful, energetic
DigbyTown by the ditch
DukeLeader of men
DustinBrave warrior
DylanSon of the sea
DarcyDark one
DarwinDear friend
DeaconServant, minister
DeclanFull of goodness
DelaneyDescendant of the challenger
DempseyProud, haughty
DenverGreen valley
DexterSkilled or right-handed
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Male dog names that start with E, and their meaning

EchoReflected sound waves
EddieWealthy guardian
EliAscended, uplifted
EmberA small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire
EmeryIndustrious ruler
EnzoRuler of the house
EricForever or ruler
ErnieEarnest, sincere
EverestHighest peak in the world
EzraHelp, helper
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Male dog names that start with F, and their meaning

FinnFair, white, clear
FelixHappy, fortunate
FrankFree, honest
FreddiePeaceful ruler
FlashTo move quickly
ForrestOf the forest
FinneganFair, white, clear
FisherOne who fishes
FergusMan of strength
FinnleyFair warrior
FranklinFree landowner
FoxA carnivorous mammal with a bushy tail
FredrickPeaceful ruler
FarleyFrom the bull meadow
FentonFrom the marsh farm
FletcherArrow maker
FordRiver crossing
FriscoA nickname for San Francisco
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Male dog names that start with G, and their meaning

GatsbyA wealthy man who throws lavish parties
GeorgeFarmer, earthworker
GhostSpirit of a dead person
GibsonSon of Gilbert
GizmoA gadget or device
GoliathBiblical giant defeated by David
GooseWaterbird similar to a duck
GordoFat or chubby
GradyNoble or illustrious
GrahamFrom the gray homestead
GriffinMythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle
GroverFrom the grove
GucciItalian luxury fashion brand
GunnerOne who operates a gun or cannon
GusShort for Augustus or Gustav
GusterOne who is steadfast and determined
GuyGuide or leader
GypsyNomadic or free-spirited
GatsbyA wealthy man who throws lavish parties
GeorgeFarmer, earthworker
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Male dog names that start with H, and their meaning

HankRuler of an estate
HarleyMeadow of the hares
HarryArmy ruler
HarveyArmy warrior
HectorSteadfast, resolute
HenryRuler of the household
HerculesHero of Greek mythology known for his strength
HeroBrave one
HobbesFamous, bright
HoganYouthful one
HoldenDeep valley
HomerPledge, security
HoochAlcoholic drink
HooverHigh place
HoustonSettlement on a hill
HowardHigh guard
HudsonSon of Hudd
HunterOne who hunts
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Male dog names that start with I, and their meaning

IggyFiery one
IkoShort form of “Ikolo,” meaning “joy” in Nigerian
IlyaRussian form of Elijah, meaning “My God is Yahweh”
IndigoA deep blue-purple color
IndyShort form of Indiana, meaning “land of the Indians”
InigoSpanish form of Ignatius, meaning “fiery one”
IraWatchful one
IronStrong, sturdy
IrvingFriend of the sea
IsaacHe will laugh
IsidoreGift of Isis, an Egyptian goddess
IvanGod is gracious
IvesYew wood
IvoYew wood
IwanWelsh form of John, meaning “God is gracious”
IzaakVariant of Isaac, meaning “he will laugh”
IzzyShort form of Israel, meaning “God strives”
IggyFiery one
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Male dog names that start with J, and their meaning

JackGod is gracious
JacksonSon of Jack
JaxGod has shown favor
JedBeloved of God
JettBlack gemstone
JoeyGod will increase
JohnnyGod is gracious
JokerA person who is fond of joking
JordanFlowing down
JupiterKing of the gods in Roman mythology
JustinJust, righteous
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Male dog names that start with K, and their meaning

KodaFriend, ally
KaelMighty warrior
KeanuCool breeze over the mountains
KeeganSmall and fiery
KellerFrom the cellar
KelvinFrom the narrow river
KenjiIntelligent second son
KenzoStrong and healthy
KermitWithout envy
KillerOne who kills
KingRuler, leader
KipperFrom the pointed hill
KirbyFrom the church farm
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Male dog names that start with L, and their meaning

LokiNorse god of mischief
LouieFamous warrior
LuckyFortunate or lucky
LukeBringer of light
LennyBrave lion
LincolnFrom the town by the pool
LoganSmall hollow
LouFamous warrior
LandonLong hill
LarryLaurel tree or bay tree
LeroyThe king
LeviJoined or attached
LiamStrong-willed warrior
LincolnFrom the town by the pool
LinkA connection or bond
LionelYoung lion
LokiNorse god of mischief
LouieFamous warrior
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Male dog names that start with M, and their meaning

MaverickIndependent, non-conformist
MiloSoldier or merciful
MurphySea warrior
MarleyFrom the meadow near the lake
MooseLarge animal with antlers
MickeyWho is like God?
MontyFrom the wealthy man’s mountain
MerlinSea fortress
MasonWorker in stone
MajorGreater, superior
MagnumGreat, large
MarshallHorse keeper
MufasaKing in Swahili
MozartFamous composer
MurphySea warrior
MurraySettlement by the sea
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Male dog names that start with N, and their meaning

NashBy the ash tree
NeoNew, young
NeroStrong, powerful
NewtonNew town
NicoVictory of the people
NikoVictory of the people
NitroExplosive, energetic
NeptuneGod of the sea in Roman mythology
NixonSon of Nicholas
NobleDistinguished, honorable
NortonNorth town
NovaNew, young
NukeExplosive, powerful
NuggetSmall, valuable piece
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Male dog names that start with O, and their meaning

OakleyFrom the oak tree meadow
OdinGod of wisdom, war, and death in Norse mythology
OllieElf army
OnyxA black gemstone
OpieFrom the town of Opava in the Czech Republic
OrbitA circular path
OrvilleGolden city
OscarGod spear
OskarGod spear
OtisWealth, fortune
OttoWealth, fortune
OzzieDivine power
OzzyDivine power
OdinGod of wisdom, war, and death in Norse mythology
OliverOlive tree
OrionA constellation named after a hunter in Greek mythology
OrsonBear cub
OswaldGod of the forest
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Male dog names that start with P, and their meaning

ParkerKeeper of the park
PhoenixMythical bird that rises from the ashes
PrinceRoyal son
PabloLittle, humble
PeanutSmall and cute
PercyPierced valley
PippinLittle one
PongoSwahili for “ping” or “flash”
PuckMischievous fairy in English folklore
PatNoble, patrician
PerryPear tree
PhoenixMythical bird that rises from the ashes
PicassoSpanish painter and sculptor
PilotOne who steers a ship or aircraft
PlutoRoman god of the underworld
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Male dog names that start with Q, and their meaning

QuestA search or pursuit
QuincyEstate of the fifth son
QuillFeather of a bird
QuimbyFrom the woman’s estate
QuinWise or intelligent
QuinnDescendant of Conn
QuinceyEstate of the fifth son
QuixoteImaginary hero of the novel Don Quixote
QuorraFrom the movie Tron: Legacy
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Male dog names that start with R, and their meaning

RascalMischievous, playful
RangerKeeper of the forest
RebelOne who resists authority
RiddickPowerful ruler
RiderOne who rides
RoloFamous wolf
RomeoPilgrim to Rome
RoscoeDeer forest
RowdyNoisy, boisterous
RyderKnight on horseback
RyanLittle king
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Male dog names that start with S, and their meaning

SargeSergeant, military officer
ScoobyShort form of Scooby-Doo, a cartoon character
ScoutExplorer, observer
ShadowDark area created by something blocking light
SimbaLion in Swahili
SiriusBrightest star in the sky
SkipperCaptain, leader
SmokeyCovered in smoke
SnoopyFictional dog from the Peanuts comic strip
SparkyEnergetic, lively
SpikeLong, pointed object
SpotMark or stain
StanleyStony meadow
StitchTo sew together
StormA violent disturbance of the atmosphere
SullyFrom the south meadow
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Male dog names that start with T, and their meaning

TacoA Mexican dish
TaffyWelsh nickname for David
TankLarge container for holding liquid or gas
TannerLeather worker
TaroFirst male
TazShort for Tasmanian Devil
TeddyWealthy guardian
ThorGod of thunder in Norse mythology
TigerA large carnivorous feline
TitanA member of a family of giants in Greek mythology
TobyGod is good
TonyPriceless one
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Male dog names that start with U, and their meaning

UlyssesGreek hero
UriMy light
UgoMind, spirit
UziMy strength
UptonUpper town
UmbertoBright warrior
UtahAmerican state
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Male dog names that start with V, and their meaning

Name Meaning
Vader Dutch for “father”
Valiant Brave and courageous
Vance Marshland
Vato Spanish slang for “dude”
Vegas City in Nevada, USA
Veto Latin for “I forbid”
Victor Winner or conqueror
Viking Warrior from the Viking Age
Vince Conquering
Vinnie Conquering
Vinny Conquering
Virgil Staff bearer
Vito Life-giver
Viva Spanish for “long live”
Vlad Short for Vladimir, meaning “ruler”
Volt Unit of electrical potential
Vonn Short for Vonnie, meaning “little woman”
Voodoo African religion and culture
Vortex Whirlpool or spiral motion
Voss Norwegian for “fox”
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Male dog names that start with W, and their meaning

WadeTo ford a river
WalkerOne who walks
WallaceForeigner, stranger
WalterArmy ruler
WatsonSon of Walter
WaylonLand beside the road
WesleyWestern meadow
WestonWestern town
WhistlerOne who whistles
WileyWily, crafty
WilfredPeaceful, strong
WilliamResolute protector
WilsonSon of Will
WinstonWine’s town
WoodyOf the woods
WyattBrave in war
WylieWily, crafty
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Male dog names that start with X, and their meaning

Name Meaning
Xavier Bright, new house
Xander Defender of the people
Xavi Short form of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
Xeno Stranger, foreigner
Xerxes Ruler over heroes
Xolani Peaceful
Xylon From the forest
Xzavier Variant of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
Xander Defender of the people
Xeno Stranger, foreigner
Xerxes Ruler over heroes
Xolani Peaceful
Xylon From the forest
Xzavier Variant of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
Ximenes Son of Simon
Xanthe Yellow, blonde
Xavion Variant of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
Xavon Variant of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
Xian Christian
Xzavion Variant of Xavier, meaning “bright, new house”
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Male dog names that start with Y, and their meaning

YaleFrom the fertile upland
YankeeA native or inhabitant of the United States
YanniGift of God
YogiA person who practices yoga
YorkFrom the yew tree estate
YoshiGood luck
YoyoA toy consisting of two disks connected by a string
YumaSon of the chief
YodaA character in the Star Wars franchise
YogiA person who practices yoga
YosefGod will add
YaelMountain goat
YannisGift of God
YarrowA flowering plant
YassinOne who is rich
YawBorn on Thursday
YorickYew tree estate
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Male dog names that start with Z, and their meaning

ZeusGreek god of thunder
ZaneGod is gracious
ZephyrWest wind
ZorroFox in Spanish
ZebGift of God
ZedGod’s gift
ZebulonDwelling of honor
ZeligHappy, blessed
ZephyrusGreek god of the west wind
ZenithThe highest point
ZenoGift of Zeus
ZephyrWest wind
ZigmundVictorious protector
ZorroFox in Spanish
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Male dog names – wrapping it up

There are countless options for male dog names that start with each letter of the alphabet. From traditional names like Max and Charlie to unique names like Zephyr and Onyx, there is a name out there for every type of dog and owner.

When choosing a name for a male dog, it is important to consider the dog’s personality and physical characteristics. A name that suits a small, energetic dog may not be the best fit for a large, laid-back dog. Additionally, some owners may prefer names with specific meanings or origins, while others may simply choose a name that sounds good.

Here are a few good references for names and their meanings:

As we mentioned before, we have a couple of other articles for dog names. Take a look at “Girl dog names for by letter“, “Sassy Girl Dog Names” or maybe “Surfer Dog Names.”

A quick caveat: All of the names and meanings were created using ChatGpt, which made this pretty easy. If you have access, plug this prompt in and edit to your needs:

20 male dog names for each letter that start with the letter "A".  Also provide the meaning of the name. Result should be in a table formatted for html

Overall, the name you choose for your male dog should reflect your dog’s personality and bring joy to both you and your furry friend.

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