If you follow us much, you’ll see that we release specific, detailed “can dogs eat…” type articles regularly.
It’s important for dog owners to understand what dogs can, cannot, and should not eat. Many human foods can irritate your dog’s stomach, some are even fatal, so it’s important to understand what is OK to feed your dog and what isn’t.
None of the foods below, recommended or not, should make up the majority of your dog’s diet. In most cases, even the recommended ones are only recommended as an occasional treat or training aid. The vast majority of your dog’s calories should come from dog food, not human food.
With this in mind, we stopped chipping away at it and just lobbed a ton of different types of food into one place.
Some of the below items are definite “NO, dogs should not eat that” while some are “yeah, dogs can eat it but they probably shouldn’t”. We’ve tried to draw a hard line on items that are actually dangerous or toxic as opposed to items that shouldn’t be eaten because of high-calorie content, etc.
So without further ado, here’s the giant list, preceded by a quick table-of-contents. Click “back to top” anywhere in the article to come back here
Can dogs eat almond flour?
Generally, it is safe for your dog to eat almond flour, but you do want to be sensitive to possible food allergies that, as yet, your dog may not have experienced. Start small; if your dog accepts snacks made with almond flour, you should be OK. For more information on this, see our “Can dogs eat almond flour” article.
Dogs can safely eat almond flour.
Can dogs eat Altoids?
Dogs don’t do well with minty or sugary foods. Altoids are both. Also, care must be taken with foods with artificial sweeteners – Altoids has, over the years, contained artificial sweeteners, some of which may be harmful to dogs.
Dogs should not eat Altoids.
Can dogs eat animal crackers?
Animals crackers are cookies, not crackers. You’d never put cheese on one so how can it be a cracker, despite its name! Regardless, they are processed and high in sugar so are not suitable for your dogs.
No, your dog should not eat animal crackers.
Can dogs eat artichokes?
Artichokes are good sources of vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and antioxidants. They are as healthy for your dog as they are for you.
Yes, dogs can eat artichokes so cut some into small pieces share with your pooch.
Can dogs eat arugula?
Pretty much any leafy green veggie is good for dogs and so it is for Arugula.
Yes, your dog can eat arugula.
Can dogs eat avocados?
Avocados contain persin, which some people are allergic to and can cause diarrhea and vomiting if dogs eat too much. This is shown as one of the dangerous foods in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
Dogs should not eat avocado.
Can dogs eat bagels?
This will depend a lot on the bagel itself. In all cases, there’s too much wheat, etc to be healthy for a dog but aside from that, what is in (or on) the bagel? Raisins are very bad for dogs. Onions as well.
So it’s less about the bagel and more about what is there besides just the bagel.
Can dogs eat banana peppers?
Banana peppers are OK for dogs in small amounts. Of course, we never feed our dogs spicy peppers so if you have super spicy banana peppers, they should not be fed to the dog.
But everyday, mild, tasty banana peppers are OK as an infrequent treat.
Can dogs eat barbecue sauce?
Barbecue sauce is usually sugary, so best not. That doesn’t mean you need to wash, wax, or dry-clean a rib bone before giving it to Fido though. Let the guy live a little!
Dogs should not eat barbecue sauce.
Can dogs eat bell peppers?
Bell peppers are packed with nutrition and are great snacks. As with everything, don’t overdo it. Cut them into small pieces as snacks or training aids to give your furry friend an unusual treat. See our article on dogs eating bell peppers.
Yes, dogs can eat bell peppers.
Can dogs eat black-eyed peas?
Black-eyed peas, in moderation, are a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. Mixed a small amount of cooked black-eyed peas in with the normal meal for a good shot of nutrition and taste.
Yes, your dog can eat black eye peas.
Can dogs eat bok choy?
Bok Choy is one of those nutrient-packed superfoods that you can enjoy with your dog. Cut into small pieces and used as an occasional snack is fine and will give your dog a bit of fiber, lots of nutritional value, and an interesting and crunchy snack.
Yes, dogs can eat bok choy.
Can dogs eat brown sugar?
Dogs should not eat sugary foods and, well, brown sugar is…sugary.
So no, dogs should not eat brown sugar.
Can dogs eat calamari?
As long as it’s not fried, calamari can be a good source of vitamins and nutrients for your pooch and will offer a new and perhaps unexpected snack. As with all recommendations, moderation is key.
In moderation, yes, dogs can eat calamari.
Can dogs eat cheesecake?
Cheesecake is full of things that are bad for you and your dog. The most important thing here is the amount of sugar or other sweeteners that may be used. Far too sugary for a dog to eat.
No, dogs should not eat cheesecake.
Can dogs eat Cheetos?
Cheetos simply have too much processed gunk and salt to be considered good for any living being. Tasty? Sure. But not good for you or your dog. A Cheeto now and then won’t be the end of the world but we cannot say we recommend feeding Cheetos to your dog.
Your dog should not eat Cheetos.
Can dogs eat Cheez-its?
Cheez-its, those delicious little things, are tasty but in the end, they are still salty, processed, cracker and so are not good for your dogs (or for you).
Although one cracker here or there is fine, we cannot recommend feeding them to your dog.
Can dogs eat chestnuts?
Always be careful feeding your dog nuts as some can be quite toxic. Chestnuts are not in that category and are safe for your dog to eat. But, even though they are not dangerous, they are high in fat and should not be a common treat for your dogs.
Dogs should not eat chestnuts.
Can dogs eat chicken feet?
Chicken feet, dried or raw, are good treats for your dogs and will help clean their teeth and may even help with arthritic conditions.
Yes, your dog can eat chicken feet.
Can dogs eat chicken nuggets?
They can, but should they? Chicken nuggets are typically heavily processed and contain lots of preservatives, salt, and fat – all in all, not a good treat for your puppy. No, dogs should not eat chicken nuggets.
No, dogs should not eat chicken nuggets.
Can dogs eat chocolate?
No chocolate is OK for dogs, but the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
To be clear, dogs should not eat any kind of chocolate.
Can dogs eat cilantro?
Cilantro is a wonderful food for your dog, in small doses add to their normal feeding routine of course. Lots of health benefits to be derived from feeding your dog cilantro.
Yes, dogs can eat cilantro.
Can dogs eat clam chowder?
Clams are oK for dogs, clam chowder…not so much. It’s hard to know everything that goes into a bowl of clam chowder but it may contain garlic, onion, salt, etc – many things that can be dangerous for dogs.
No, dogs should not eat clam chowder.
Can dogs eat coleslaw?
Coleslaw is not good for dogs as there is practically no nutritional value, yet it is high in fat and sugar. There is no good reason to feed coleslaw to your dog.
No, dogs should not eat coleslaw.
Can dogs eat cookies?
Cookies typically mean high sugar so this is almost always a “no”. If there is no nutritional value, which is normally the case with cookies, there’s no reason to feed them to your dog. Find a healthy snack instead.
No, your dog should not eat cookies.
Can dogs eat corn tortillas?
Corn tortillas are OK for your dog to eat in small amounts – there’s little there that can cause illness or an upset stomach. Keep in mind this is a processed food, however, so should not be fed to your dog regularly.
Yes, your dog can eat corn tortillas.
Can dogs eat cornbread?
Cornbread isn’t toxic, but it usually contains sugar and amounts of egg and wheat that can irritate your pooch. In small amounts, it’s not a problem but overall, should your dog eat cornbread, we have to say no.
No, dogs should not eat cornbread.
Can dogs eat cotton candy?
Cotton candy is the very definition of sugary foods – it is literally about 115% sugar. Dogs should not eat sugary foods.
No, dogs should not eat cotton candy.
Can dogs eat couscous?
Couscous is safe for your dog to eat although it should not make up the majority of your dog’s diet. Nutritious though it is, it does not have the necessary nutrients to keep your dog healthy.
As a minimal mixture with your dog’s regular meal, yes, it’s OK for dogs to eat couscous.
Can dogs eat crawfish?
Crawfish are tasty and nutritious for you and your dog. And it is OK for your dog to eat one. Or two. Without the shell. Keep the rest for yourself.
Yes, dogs can eat crawfish.
Can dogs eat custard?
We have to go with “no” to custard. The sugar, milk, and other processed items that go into custard result in a food that is too high in unhealthy items and too low in healthy ones – the balance is way off.
So no, your dog should not eat custard.
Can dogs eat Doritos?
Doritos should not be given to dogs as they are too high in processed junk as well as being very high in sodium.
No, dogs should not eat Doritos.
Can dogs eat dragon fruit?
Dragon fruit, or pitaya, is OK for your dog to eat but as with other fruits, should be given sparingly. High in fiber, vitamins, and essential nutrients, it can be a healthy snack for your pooch.
Yes, dogs can eat dragon fruit.
Can dogs eat egg shells?
Perhaps surprisingly, egg shells are quite good for dogs and can be ground up and added to their dish to add a kick of crunchiness, flavor, and a dose of calcium. There are considerations so be sure to take a look at our article that details dogs eating egg shells.
Yes, dogs can eat egg shells.
Can dogs eat edamame?
Edamame is a superfood and is good for any creature that eats it. Care should be given around feeding the edamame pod as it elevates the fiber content a good bit and can be a choking hazard for small dogs. For more info, take a look at our article about why eating edamame can be healthy for dogs.
Yes, dogs can eat edamame.
Can dogs eat fortune cookies?
Fortune cookies are much like any other cookie – full of sugar and processed yuck.
Dogs should not eat fortune cookies.
Can dogs eat Froot Loops?
We are against feeding dogs any sugary foods so from our perspective, Froot Loops are not acceptable to feed to your dog. Keep them for yourself and give them a healthier snack.
Dogs should not eat Froot Loops.
Can dogs eat Funyuns?
Funyans, or really any tasty over-the-counter chip or munchy, are generally not good for dogs and dogs should not eat them. But will a single Funyan hurt your dog? No. But still…
No, your dog should not eat Funyans.
Can dogs eat garlic?
Dogs should not eat garlic or onions as they are inherently toxic to dogs at surprisingly low doses. Dogs should not eat anything with garlic or onions as an ingredient. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
No, dogs cannot eat garlic safely.
Can dogs eat goldfish crackers?
Goldfish crackers seem like the perfect snack for a dog. Small, not many calories, tasty, and crunchy. And one or two are fine but does it stop there? Keep in mind they are processed and contain high levels of sodium so are not, inherently, a good snack for dogs.
Dogs should not eat goldfish crackers.
Can dogs eat granola?
Granola is made mostly from oats and rice, which are routinely found in commercial dog food. Granola is OK for dogs to eat in small quantities. Note this does not apply to granola bars where sugar and other processed stickiness are used to hold the granola bar together.
Granola is ok for dogs to eat, granola bars are not.
Can dogs eat grapes
Grapes (and raisins) are dangerous for dogs and can cause kidney failure. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
Dogs should never eat grapes or raisins.
Can dogs eat grits
Grits are OK for dogs to eat as long as your dog doesn’t have a weight problem or corn allergies. This means cooked plain grits, though, no sugar or honey or any of the other bad stuff we humans mix in with our grits. Plain cooked grits added to your dog’s bowl of dry dog food is a wonderful treat for your dog.
Yes, dogs can eat grits.
Can dogs eat horseradish?
Horseradish is not dangerous for dogs and they can eat it, but there’s no reason to give it to them. Many dogs won’t like the taste and it can upset their stomachs.
So can dogs eat horseradish? Yes, they can. Will they? Possibly not. Should they? There’s no real reason.
Can dogs eat hot Cheetos?
Dogs should not eat spicy foods or food that is overly salty. Hot Cheetos are both.
No, dogs should not eat hot Cheetos.
Can dogs eat hummus
Hummus is made from chickpeas (fine for dogs) and other ingredients such as lemon, garlic (bad for dogs), tahini (fine), etc. Given the different types of ingredients and the fact that we are 110% giving your dog garlic, we have to say that no, dogs should not eat hummus.
Dog’s should not eat hummus.
Can dogs eat jalapeno?
Dogs should not eat spicy foods so no, dogs should not eat jalapenos. Remember back to when you had your first one – it probably hurt. You may have built up a tolerance over time but your dog will not. Their systems are also not capable of processing spicy foods.
Dogs should not eat jalapenos.
Can dogs eat jelly beans?
No. As with any other kind of candy or sugary foods, jelly beans are not a good treat for dogs (or humans!).
No, dogs should not eat jelly beans.
Can dogs eat jicama?
Jicama is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your dog. In small doses, jicama is an excellent and tasty treat for your pooch. Take a look at our article about dogs eating jicama.
Yes, it is OK for your dog to eat jicama.
Can dogs eat kimchi?
Kimchi is a complicated food and can contain ingredients that are bad for your dog. If care is given to ensure there are no toxic or harmful ingredients, kimchi is a wonderful addition, in small amounts, to your dog’s normal feeding routine. Take a look at our article about dogs eating kimchi.
Yes, it is OK for your dog to eat kimchi (careful of the ingredients).
Can dogs eat kiwi fruit?
Kiwi is a bit of a wonder food and is perfectly fine to feed your dog if you take the correct approach. Feed only the meat, not the skin or seeds. See more in our article about feeding your dog kiwi fruit.
Yes, it is OK for your dog to eat kiwi fruit (kiwi meat only, not the skin or seeds).
Can dogs eat lychee?
Lychee is a sweet fruit that makes an acceptable snack or treat for your dog but you must ensure it is ripe (not green) and only share with your pooch in small doses. Take a look at our article about dogs eating lychee.
Yes, it is OK for your dog to eat lychee in moderation
Can dogs eat macadamia nuts?
Never. Macadamia nuts are one of the most dangerous of all foods for your dogs. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
Your dog should never eat macadamia nuts or any foods with macadamia nuts.
Can dogs eat macaroni and cheese?
Dogs can eat macaroni and cheese but this falls into the category of “yes, they can but it’s not recommended”. There are just too many calories. If you want to spare a bit of yours, go ahead but don’t give your dog an entire meal.
Dogs can, but shouldn’t, eat macaroni and cheese.
Can dogs eat Oreos?
Save them for yourself with a clear conscience. Oreos, tasty though they are, are not for dogs due to the high sugar content. And chocolate. Dogs should never be fed chocolate.
Dogs should not eat sugary foods and oreo cookies are high on that list.
Can dogs eat olives?
Olives are OK for your dog but when stuffed, overly brined, not de-pitted, etc, you need to be cautious about what else they are eating. Too much salt, some garlic, maybe stuffed with jalapeno, etc are areas of concern. Olive by themselves are ok for dogs to eat (should be rinsed) but all the other stuff that can go into an olive, or a bunch of olives, can be bad for your dog. Read more about that in our article that discusses whether or not olives are OK for dogs to eat.
Yes, dogs can eat olives but be careful how they are prepared (rinsed, plain olives only)
Can dogs eat pecan pie?
Pecan pie = pecans and sugar Pecans can be toxic to dogs and sugar is just bad for them.
No, dogs should never eat pecan pie.
Can dogs eat pesto?
Pesto should not be fed to dogs as it typically contains pine nuts, which dogs should not eat, and garlic, which dogs should not eat. Overall, there’s no reason to feed pesto to your dog.
No, dogs should not eat pesto.
Can dogs eat pork rinds?
Not great, to be sure, but a single pork rind here or there is a good, tasty, crunchy treat. I’m on Keto so always have pork rinds around the house. The dogs love ’em. But again, no healthy calories there so feed them sparingly.
Dogs can eat pork rinds but really shouldn’t.
Can dogs eat prunes?
Dogs should not eat prunes (or dried plums) due to the high sugar, high fiber, and the dangers of the pit itself. Dog owners often consider prunes to help with a constipated dog. We recommend pumpkin and a lot of water instead.
No, dogs should not eat prunes.
Can dogs eat raisins?
Raisins (and grapes) in small amounts can cause your dog to become sick and even cause kidney failure. They are listed on our Top 9 most dangerous foods for dogs. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
No, dogs should never eat grapes or raisins.
Can dogs eat raw bacon?
Raw pork should never be eaten by dogs as it exposes them to the risk of trichinosis. Also, bacon (cooked or raw) has high levels of fat which are too high for dogs (and humans) to safely consume in anything but small quantities. We have a specific article that discusses if dogs can eat raw bacon.
No, your dog should not eat cooked bacon.
Can dogs eat rice?
Rice, in its many forms, is good for dogs. Some more than others. Never feed a dog uncooked rice but cooked rice of just about any variety is good for dogs to eat. We have created an article explaining why dogs can eat rice.
Yes, dogs can eat rice – any type, as long as it’s cooked.
Can dogs eat sauerkraut?
Sauerkraut is fermented veggies and, as such, contains powerful probiotics. This is good for you and your dog. Sauerkraut can be safely mixed in with your dog’s meal to add a bit of zing and extra healthy impact.
Yes, dogs can eat sauerkraut.
Can dogs eat sesame seeds?
Sesame seeds are ok for dogs in small amounts. They are nutritious and can be safely sprinkled into your dog’s dish at mealtime. Many of the nutrients can’t be digested by your dog, but it doesn’t cause any harm.
Yes, dogs can eat sesame seeds.
Can dogs eat Skittles?
Dogs should not eat sugary foods. Skittles is really nothing but sugar.
No, dogs should not eat skittles no matter what the commercial shows.
Can dogs eat Slim Jims?
I say “no” here, but am guilty of sharing a piece every now and then. Slim Jims and other processed jerkies are high in salt so should not be given to your dog.
Dogs should not eat Slim Jims or other beef jerky.
Can dogs eat sour cream?
Sour cream is not dangerous to dogs although, of the many variations, organic sour cream is the best bet. In small amounts, perhaps a tablespoon mixed in with your dog’s meal, sour cream is fine. There is a good article at the Washington Post that discusses dogs eating sour cream.
Yes, dogs can eat sour cream.
Can dogs eat spaghetti squash?
Spaghetti squash is one of those superfoods that are as good for your dog as for you. High in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, spaghetti squash in moderate amounts is a healthy and satisfying addition to your dog’s meal plan.
Yes, it is ok for dogs to eat spaghetti squash.
Can dogs eat spam?
Spam, inherently, has no ingredients that are bad for your dog but it is one of the most highly processed foods in the world and that, right there, is reason enough not to feed Spam to your dog.
Dogs should not eat spam.
Can dogs eat spoiled meat?
Why would you even ask that? No, they should not eat spoiled meat. Dog stomachs are often more fragile than humans and we don’t eat spoiled meat.
No, your dog should not eat spoiled meat.
Can dogs eat squid?
Squid is ok for dogs to eat. There is nothing inherently dangerous with your dog eating squid. Ensure it is cooked in a healthy manner (not fried, or sauteed in butter), and it’s ok to share in small amounts.
Yes, your dog can eat squid.
Can dogs eat summer sausage?
As tasty as summer sausage is, it’s one of those foods that is too processed and contains too much salt and fats. We recommend your dog does not eat summer sausage.
Your dog should not eat summer sausage.
Can dogs eat Swedish Fish candy?
Dogs should never eat anything sugary. Swedish fish is pretty much pure sugar. They are not good treats for dogs.
Dogs should not eat Swedish Fish (candy).
Can dogs eat syrup?
If you mean table syrup, like what you put on your pancakes, the answer is no due to the sugar content. Some syrups contain the artificial sweetener xylitol, which is highly toxic for dogs.
No, dogs should not eat syrup.
Can dogs eat tahini?
Small amounts of tahini, or even the sesame seeds themselves, are fine for dogs. It’s OK to mix a bit into the bowl at mealtime. Tahini is safe for dogs.
Yes, dogs can eat tahini.
Can dogs eat tapioca?
Tapioca is safe for dogs and, in fact, is an ingredient in many dog foods. Bear in mind, this does not include tapioca pudding, which is too high in sugar for dogs. So tapioca is fine for dogs, tapioca pudding is not.
Dogs can eat tapioca.
Can dogs eat taro?
Taro is especially toxic to dogs and should never be fed to them either raw or as taro chips, taro ice cream, or anything else that contains taro. The ASPCA has a good article on the dangers of taro for dogs.
No, dogs should never eat taro.
Can dogs eat tater tots?
Neither you nor your dog should eat tater tots. Tasty as they are, there’s just nothing good about them. Too much salt, fat, and preservatives. No, dogs should not eat tater tots (and neither should Napolean Dynamite).
Dogs should not eat tater tots.
Can dogs eat Tums?
Tums are a good example of a OK human medicine to give dogs in small doses. There are considerations so be sure to read our article on giving your dog Tums.
Yes, dogs can eat Tums but there are better alternatives.
Can dogs eat turkey bacon?
Turkey bacon is a good snack for your dog. It is lower in calories than other kinds of bacon and is actually somewhat nutritious. Fed in small amounts as a snack rather than a meal, and turkey bacon is fine for your dog.
Yes, dogs can eat turkey bacon.
Can dogs eat Twizzlers?
Dogs should never eat sugary foods. Note that dogs should also not eat licorice, but Twizzlers (and other red licorices) are not made from the licorice plant. The problem with Twizzlers is the amount of sugar.
Dogs should not eat Twizzlers.
Can dogs eat vanilla wafers?
Vanilla wafers, although delicious, are high in sugar and dogs should never eat sugary foods.
No, dogs should not eat vanilla wafers.
Can dogs eat Vienna sausage?
Vienna sausage should not be fed to dogs due to its unhealthy levels of sodium and fat. Tasty…? Sure. Healthy…? No.
We do not recommend feeding Vienna sausage to your dog.
Can dogs eat wasabi?
Dogs should never eat spicy foods as their stomachs are not equipped to handle them. It’s not toxic but can cause an upset stomach, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Who has time for that?
No, dogs should not eat wasabi.
Can dogs eat water chestnuts?
Water chestnuts are OK for your dog to eat – choose the fresh variety rather than the canned to ensure the healthiest choice.
Yes, dogs can eat water chestnuts.
Can dogs eat Wheat Thins?
Wheat thins are OK for dogs to eat but in small quantities. Who hasn’t shared a cracker with their pooch? But, importantly, only in small doses – a cracker or two only.
Yes, dogs can eat Wheat Thins.
Can dogs eat Xylitol?
Dogs should never eat xylitol or any food that contains it – it is one of the most dangerous of all foods for dogs and can prove fatal in small doses. It’s found not only in food but also many over-the-counter medicines, usually marked as “sugar-free”. Tums, for example, can fall into this category. This is listed in our 9 most dangerous foods for dogs article.
Never feed your dog xylitol or any food that contains xylitol.
We are always interested in either adding to this list or updating it if you find incorrect information so please feel free to reach out with any information you would like to offer.